Procedural sedation and analgesia in children

Baruch Krauss, Steven M. Green

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Procedural sedation and analgesia for children - the use of sedative, analgesic, or dissociative drugs to relieve anxiety and pain associated with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures - is now widely practised by a diverse group of specialists outside the operating theatre. We review the principles underlying safe and effective procedural sedation and analgesia and the spectrum of procedures for which it is currently done. We discuss the decision-making process used to determine appropriate drug selection, dosing, and sedation endpoint. We detail the pharmacopoeia for procedural sedation and analgesia, reviewing the pharmacology and adverse effects of these drugs. International differences in practice are described along with current areas of controversy and future directions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)766-780
Number of pages15
JournalThe Lancet
Issue number9512
StatePublished - Mar 4 2006

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Medicine

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