Chronic hypoxia alters fetal cerebrovascular responses to endothelin-1

Jinjutha Silpanisong, Dahlim Kim, James M. Williams, Olayemi O. Adeoye, Richard B. Thorpe, William J. Pearce

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In utero hypoxia influences the structure and function of most fetal arteries, including those of the developing cerebral circulation. Whereas the signals that initiate this hypoxic remodeling remain uncertain, these appear to be distinct from the mechanisms that maintain the remodeled vascular state. The present study explores the hypothesis that chronic hypoxia elicits sustained changes in fetal cerebrovascular reactivity to endothelin-1 (ET-1), a potent vascular contractant and mitogen. In fetal lambs, chronic hypoxia (3,820-m altitude for the last 110 days of gestation) had no significant effect on plasma ET-1 levels or ETA receptor density in cerebral arteries but enhanced contractile responses to ET-1 in an ETA-dependent manner. In organ culture (24 h), 10 nM ET-1 increased medial thicknesses less in hypoxic than in normoxic arteries, and these increases were ablated by inhibition of PKC (chelerythrine) in both normoxic and hypoxic arteries but were attenuated by inhibition of CaMKII (KN93) and p38 (SB203580) in normoxic but not hypoxic arteries. As indicated by Ki-67 immunostaining, ET-1 increased medial thicknesses via hypertrophy. Measurements of colocalization between MLCK and SMαA revealed that organ culture with ET-1 also promoted contractile dedifferentiation in normoxic, but not hypoxic, arteries through mechanisms attenuated by inhibitors of PKC, CaMKII, and p38. These results support the hypothesis that chronic hypoxia elicits sustained changes in fetal cerebrovascular reactivity to ET-1 through pathways dependent upon PKC, CaMKII, and p38 that cause increased ET-1-mediated contractility, decreased ET-1-mediated smooth muscle hypertrophy, and a depressed ability of ET-1 to promote contractile dedifferentiation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)C207-C218
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 3 2017

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Physiology
  • Cell Biology


  • Calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
  • Endothelin receptors
  • Myosin light chain kinase
  • P38 MAP kinase
  • Protein kinase C

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