Shobha Sahney, MBBS


    Research activity per year

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    Education/Academic qualification

    MBBS, Lady Hardinge Medical College

    … → 1969


    • Nephrology
    • Pediatrics
    • Late first acute rejection in pediatric kidney transplantation: A North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies special study

      the NAPRTCS investigators, Aug 2021, In: Pediatric Transplantation. 25, 5, e13953.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    • Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops

      Hanson, C. S., Craig, J. C., Logeman, C., Sinha, A., Dart, A., Eddy, A. A., Guha, C., Gipson, D. S., Bockenhauer, D., Yap, H. K., Groothoff, J., Zappitelli, M., Webb, N. J. A., Alexander, S. I., Furth, S. L., Samuel, S., Neu, A., Viecelli, A. K., Ju, A., Sharma, A., & 228 othersAu, E. H., Desmond, H., Shen, J. I., Manera, K. E., Azukaitis, K., Dunn, L., Carter, S. A., Gutman, T., Cho, Y., Walker, A., Francis, A., Sanchez-Kazi, C., Kausman, J., Pearl, M., Benador, N., Sahney, S., Tong, A., Guha, A., Solarin, A., Platona, A., Hamilton, A., Woods-Barnard, A., Eddy, A., Karathanas, A., Baumgart, A., Fielding, A., LePage, A., Bernier-Jean, A., Kelly, A., Teixeira, A., Matus, A., Narva, A., Wang, A. Y. M., Fielding, A., Meza, A., Fielding, A., Teixeira-Pinto, A., Bagga, A., Jankauskiene, A., Kelly, A., Gillespie, B., Sautenet, B., Vogt, B., Foster, B., Warady, B., Dixon, B., Manns, B., Hemmelgarn, B., Bscardark, B., Romeo, B., Meza, C., Brockett, C., Prestidge, C., Green, C., Perkins, C., Schmitt, C. P., Fielding, C., Settee, C., Sumpton, D., Meza, D., Karathanas, D., Harris, D., Wheeler, D., Hooper, D., Geary, D., Haffner, D., Mekahli, D., Drozdz, D., Romeo, E., Ku, E., Urbina, E., Levtchenko, E., Balovlenkov, E., Hodson, E., Morales, E., O'Lone, E., Machuca, E., Carlton, E., Olver, E., Morales, E., Mirza, F., Mackie, F., Tentori, F., Schaefer, F., Higgins, G., Deschenes, G., Plunkett, G., Yoder, G., Wong, G., Morales, G., Germino, G., Perkins, H., Mitchell-Smith, H., Coolican, H., Xu, H., Anochie, I., Ha, I. S., Davis, I., Liu, I., Samaniego, I., Machuca, J., Machuca, J., Kerklaan, J., Brockett, J., Norton, J., Goebel, J., Rao, J., Machuca, J., Mitchell-Smith, J., Watson, J., Gill, J., Flynn, J. T., Samuels, J., Bacchetta, J., Yoder, K., Twombley, K., McMichael, K. A., Ishikura, K., Romeo, K., Settee, K., Van, K. L., McMichael, L., Trinh, L., Greenbaum, L., Sanchez, L., Fielding, L., Rees, L., Lippincott, L., Mejia-Saldivar, L., Saldivar, L., Guay-Woodford, L., Samaniego, L., Hamiwka, L., Bell, L., Barry, L., Macauley, L., Holmes, L., Karathanas, M., Mitchell-Smith, M., Walker, M., Benavides, M., Tonelli, M., Ferris, M., Vivarelli, M., Wolfenden, M., Howell, M., Christian, M., Schreiber, M., Moxey-Mims, M., Leonard, M., Karathanas, M., Natatmadja, M., Brockett, M., Bonilla-Felix, M., Atkinson, M., Baum, M., Rheault, M., McCulloch, M., Matsuda-Abedini, M., Michael, M., Khan, M., Salih, M., Carlton, M. A., Plunkett, N., Webb, N., Scholes-Robertson, N., Larkins, N., Evangelidis, N., Yoder, N., Meza, N., Olver, P., Carlton, P., Brophy, P., Tugwell, P., Cochat, P., Mehrotra, R., Wolfenden, R., Gbadegesin, R., Benavides, R., Johnson, R., Morales, R., McGee, R., Fish, R., Gardos, R., Pecoits-Filho, R., Vargas, R., Saldivar, R., Coppo, R., Shroff, R., Raina, R., Youssouf, S., Crowe, S., Anumudu, S., Chan, S., Baldacchino, S., Wenderfer, S., Wolfenden, S., Carlton, S., Sutton, S., Murphy, S., Teo, S., Salih, S., Carlton, S., Pearson, S., Khan, S., Wilson, S., Sharma, S., Marks, S., Cornish, S., Goldstein, S., Mendley, S., Lippincott, S., Charles, S., Mitchell-Smith, T., Harris, T., Vetter, T., Carlton, T., Carlton, T., Querfeld, U., Saglimbene, V., Charles, V., van Biesen, W., Winkelmayer, W., Machuca, Y., Salih, Y., Anh, Y. H., Perkins, Z. & Salih, Z., Sep 1 2020, In: Kidney International. 98, 3, p. 553-565 13 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

      Open Access
    • Inpatient citrate-based hemodialysis in pediatric patients

      Fajardo, C., Sanchez, C. P., Cutler, D., Sahney, S. & Sheth, R., Oct 1 2016, In: Pediatric Nephrology. 31, 10, p. 1667-1672 6 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    • Comparison of outcomes of hand-assisted laparoscopic to open donor nephrectomy for pediatric recipients

      Baron, P. W., Brooks, J., Baldwin, D. D., Cutler, D., Kore, A., Elihu, A., De Vera, M. & Sahney, S., Jun 2013, In: Pediatric Transplantation. 17, 4, p. 374-379 6 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    • [Abstract] Comparison of Outcomes of Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic to Open Nephrectomy for Pediatric Recipients: 1321

      Baron, P. W., Brooks, J., Baldwin, D. D., Cutler, D., Kore, A., Elihu, A., de Vera, M. E. & Sahney, S., Nov 1 2012, In: Transplantation. 94

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review